Hello Chebucto Families,
Messages from Stephen and Tim....
As we approach the start of the 2021/ 2022 regular season, I just wanted to send out a quick message as teams start to embark on what hopefully will be a very successful and enjoyable year of competitive hockey.
First, I wanted to say a huge thank you to all involved in the 2021/ 2022 tryout process. For all volunteers, be it evaluators, on-ice and bench assistants, dressing room monitors and those working the check-in/ registration desk, these tryouts do not happen without you. Giving up your free time to ensure things are able to get done does not go unnoticed and your efforts are greatly appreciated.
To parents, for driving your children to the rink, ensuring they have everything, being patient as lists are generated, and supporting your children as the tryout process plays out, these efforts go a long way to ensuring the process is a positive experience for players. When players are coming to the rink feeling positive, they are able to go on the ice, perform well, and more importantly, have fun.
To players, who are the reason why the process is in place, for coming to each session, working hard, trying your best, and having fun, your efforts are applauded by everyone involved, and we hope you carry this on throughout the season.
Lastly, to all competitive teams and those involved in them, best of luck. I hope that you are able to compete, improve, have fun, and represent Chebucto in a positive manner throughout the year, no matter what age group and level you are at. Provided COVID does not rear its ugly head, let’s hope for a full season of games, tournaments and lasting memories for all of the players involved.
Stephen, on behalf of the Tryout Committee
Go Chebucto!!!
Thank you to all the amazing volunteers who made the Recreation Balancing an awesome experience. I am sure the kids appreciate it. On behalf of the Rec Balancing Committee, we wish all the players, coaches and staff the best of luck with the 2021-22 season. Go Chebucto!
Tim Cranston, VP Recreation