Association News




Hi Folks,

It has come to the attention of the Chebucto Executive that many of our spectators and players are not exercising proper mask discipline while inside facilities including dressing rooms. 

We are still dealing with a pandemic and cases continue to arise and appear within our membership and on our teams. Wearing a mask is a key preventative measure to protecting those around you. If you are not wearing your mask properly, you are not protecting those around you. This includes covering your mouth and nose properly.

This is particularly concerning to those groups who have participants who are not fully vaccinated at this time (U7, U9, U11, U13). 

Complaints to this effect have been received from concerned members to the team Safety Reps and if this continues the Chebucto Executive will take action to limit and/or restrict spectators from events.


To be clear, if in the opinion of the Chebucto Executive we cannot ensure we are minimizing chance of the spread of COVID due to lack of mask discipline, we will be forced to no longer allow spectators. 

While in the facility, please wear your mask properly and do your part to ensure others are doing their part to protect others.


VP U7 Matt White

VP Risk Bryan Esbaugh


Dec 12, 2021