Hello Chebucto!
After a wild weekend of CMHA hockey;
MMHL Chebucto U11 Are Rec C Champions!
A Big Congratulations go out to the U11C Hurricanes for winning the MMHL Gold Division Championship & U11C Lightning for winning the Silver Division! (Also honourable mention to U11C Storm for placing 2nd in Gold).
Great job by all the players, and team staffs!

Congratulations to Chebucto U13C Warriors for winning the MMHL Silver Division Championship!
Great job by all the Players and Team Staff!!

And Congratulations to Chebuct U23 Minor Junior for winning the MMHL Championship!
Great job by all the Players and Team Staff!!

Also, a nod to some Chebucto Alumi carrying the Spirit of the Altantic's forward:
Congratulations to Chebucto Alumni on the Citadel Hockey team for capturing the D1 Provincial High School Championship.
Citadel players below standing (left to right) Glenn McFetridge, Callum Milne, Will Brown, Zackary Moffitt, Ryan Kinsman, Owen Hickey, Michael Makropoulos, Patrick Villeneuve, Ryan Hickey. Sitting Jackson Koch, Tyler Powell
Of note is the team was coached by former CMHA Coach Aleck Cranston.
Also Congratulations to Chebucto Atlantics Alumni with the Gulls Major Bantam team for advancing the the U15AAA Provincials.
Below are Wyatt Esbaugh, Brycen Jardine, Cooper Strong, Parker Douglas, Lokua Calvert, Liam Jollimore, Kassel Belen, and Evan Sargeant Greenwood
Special Recognition to Cooper Strong for setting the single season and league records in Total Assists. Nice Work to Wyatt Esbaugh for setting the first year goalie shut out record.

Go Chebucto Go
Bryan Esbaugh
CMHA President