Association News


Banner Weekend for Rec and CMHA Alumni Success!

Hello Chebucto!

After a wild weekend of CMHA hockey;


MMHL Chebucto U11 Are Rec C Champions!

A Big Congratulations go out to the U11C Hurricanes for winning the MMHL Gold Division Championship & U11C Lightning for winning the Silver Division!  (Also honourable mention to U11C Storm for placing 2nd in Gold).

Great job by all the players, and team staffs! 




Congratulations to Chebucto U13C Warriors for winning the MMHL Silver Division Championship!


Great job by all the Players and Team Staff!! 

U13C Silver

And Congratulations to Chebuct U23 Minor Junior for winning the MMHL Championship!


Great job by all the Players and Team Staff!! 



Also, a nod to some Chebucto Alumi carrying the Spirit of the Altantic's forward:


Congratulations to Chebucto Alumni on the Citadel Hockey team for capturing the D1 Provincial High School Championship.

Citadel players below standing (left to right) Glenn McFetridge, Callum Milne, Will Brown, Zackary Moffitt, Ryan Kinsman, Owen Hickey, Michael Makropoulos, Patrick Villeneuve, Ryan Hickey. Sitting Jackson Koch, Tyler Powell

Of note is the team was coached by former CMHA Coach Aleck Cranston. 

Also Congratulations to Chebucto Atlantics Alumni with the Gulls Major Bantam team for advancing the the U15AAA Provincials.

Below are Wyatt Esbaugh, Brycen Jardine, Cooper Strong, Parker Douglas, Lokua Calvert, Liam Jollimore, Kassel Belen, and Evan Sargeant Greenwood

Special Recognition to Cooper Strong for setting the single season and league records in Total Assists. Nice Work to Wyatt Esbaugh for setting the first year goalie shut out record. 



Go Chebucto Go

Bryan Esbaugh

CMHA President


Mar 24, 2025

CHEBUCTO SET TO SWEEP THE CHAMPIONSHIPS AT U11C - Sackville Arena Saturday 10am and 11am March 22nd

What a weekend for Chebucto Hockey!!

All 3 U11C Teams are Battling for Hardware at Sackville Arena tomorrow morning , March 22nd. Action starts at 10am and then carries on for an 11 am all Chebucto Gold Bracket Final!

At 10am our U11C Chebucto Lightning takes on Bedford for the Silver U11C Championship Bracket. 

Then at 11am it is a Green on Green weather warning in effect as the Chebucto Storm takes on the Chebucto Hurricanes in the Gold Bracket Championship!


If you're in the Sackville Arena area stop on in for Saturday Morning Action and cheer on our incredibly successful U11C squads!     

Saturday , March 22 10 am - Silver Championship Bracket Final

Saturday , March 22 11 am - Gold Championship Bracket Final


Go Chebucto

Bryan Esbaugh

CMHA President

Mar 21, 2025

PACK THE LIONS RINK FOR U13AAA - U15AA - Saturday and Sunday March 22nd and 23rd 4:30pm - Chebucto versus Pictou and a TBD!

Pack the Lions Rink this Saturday and Sunday 4:30 pm for U3AAA! - Sunday U15AA 6:30pm

The U13AAA defending champs are down 1 game to goose in the 3 game set to send them back to the Provincals in scenic Tantallon  and need our support!

Come see the squad attempt back to back jacks with one of the deadliest offensive attacks in U13AAA league history. 

It's definately going to be a show! 

Then stick around Sunday and see our league champ U15AA squad in their second chance to close the deal for a provincial berth immediately after against a big fat TBD! ( Sackville or Halifax).

Lets bring the noise and support YOUR CHEBUCTO ATLANTICS U13AAA and U15AA!!

MUST WIN GAME 2 - Saturday, March 22nd 4:30 pm Lions Arena!! - U13AAA

DO OR DIE Sunday, March 23rd 4:30 pm Lions Arena!! - U13AAA 

DO OR DIE (part deux) Sunday March 23rd 6:30 pm Lions!! - U15AA 

Go Chebucto! 

Bryan Esbaugh

CMHA President

Mar 21, 2025

PACK THE LIONS RINK FOR U15AA - Wednesday March 19th 7:00pm - Chebucto versus Bedford for Berth in Provincials

Hey Chebucto!


Pack the Lions Rink this Wednesday 7:00 pm for U15AA!


This Wednesday March 19th your Chebucto Atlantics U15AA Team will take on the Bedford Blues for a berth in the U15AA Provincials.

After an incredible first place finish in the regular season, Gang Green is set to punch their ticket to the big show in Yarmouth. 

Lets show our support and while you're there, why not grab some of the best rink fries in town!

So lets bring the luck of the Irish on this St. Patrick's day week, wear Green and Cheer on YOUR CHEBUCTO ATLANTICS U15AA!!

Wednesday, March 19th 7:00 pm Lions Arena!!


Go Chebucto!

Bryan Esbaugh

CMHA President



Mar 18, 2025

Chebucto MARCH BREAK Development kicks off tonight!

Hello Chebucto families,

MARCH BREAK development kicks off tonight with skaters club! We are excited to offer March Break sessions this year. We still have space in the following programs:

Skaters Club 3 spots

U9 3v3 4 spots

U11 3v3 2 spots + 1 goalie

Defense 4 spots

Chebucto Minor Hockey Association | GrayJay Pay

Important: If your player is no longer able to participate in one of the U9 or U11 3v3 even if they are a free goalie sing up please let us know ASAP. We make the teams in advance.

For the U11 3v3 players will need their white/green tryout jersy or a white and dark jersey.

Go Chebucto Go!

Mar 10, 2025

PRCMBA Registration Open Until March 17

Hello Chebucto Families!
The Prospect Mariners baseball association is currently seeking a few more 13U (2012/13) players to fill the competitive A team roster. If you have a player in this age group, or know someone looking to register for competitive ball in a community-based association, registration is open until March 17:

The Prospect Road Minor Baseball Association (PRCMBA) is a community-based sports group located in the communities along Prospect Road. Home fields are Brookside Junior High and Bill Zinck Memorial field in Hatchet Lake. We field teams in all age groups from 6U to 18U, and enjoy success on the field each summer in both competitive and recreation divisions.
For more information about PRCMBA please visit our website, or find us on Facebook.

Thank you!

Mar 8, 2025
