Association News


U7 Schedule change Feb 12 & 13, 2022

Please see NEW schedule and times for Feb 12 & 13 weekend


U7 Groups 2021-22 _extention Feb 14th

Feb 5, 2022

Jan 28, 2022 Update

Hello Chebucto Families,

 With the recent 2 week extention of the current restrictions, teams U9-U18 will continue with praticing in groups of 10, up to and including Feb 14th.


Please see the revised schedule- CMHA Restart Schedule Feb 2022 - Final

***please note- only a few minor changes- most teams have the same schedule- teams affected have been notified***


For the new U7 schedule , please click: U7 Groups 2021-22 _extention Feb 13th


U9 schedule( no changes) please click: U9 Groups and Ice times Jan 13-Feb 13_updated 


If anything changes to these restrictions, we will communicate it as soon as we know. Please check your emails often and keep an eye on the website and facebook page for the most up to date information. 

Chebucto Minor Hockey Association

(1) Chebucto Minor Hockey Association | Facebook


I hope we can return to a normal hockey season soon, and CMHA thanks you for your we once again work through Public Health restrictions. If you have any questions regarding the schedules above- please reach out to the VP's of the divisions. 




Sara Aucoin




Please see the news release from Hockey Nova Scotia below:


The provincial government announced that the current provincewide restrictions would be extended until Feb. 14. To read the full press release from the province, please click here.


During the update, however, Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Nova Scotia, noted that, “We’ll continue to monitor closely and recognizing the importance of activities like sports, arts and culture to mental and physical health, we will open those activities sooner if possible.”


Premier Tim Houston also mentioned that, “The goal that we're… working towards is to relax some restrictions in arts and culture.”


He indicated that, depending on the hospitalization rate and the continued success of the booster campaign, the following could be allowed in the coming weeks:


  • sports teams could be allowed to resume full practices with their entire teams “around Feb. 7”
  • competitions and games could be permitted by Feb. 14


This is the goal of the province but a firm plan is not currently in place yet.


As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will continue to work with Public Health and the province to get safely back to game action as soon as possible.


Jan 28, 2022

Thanks and a COVID Information Reminder

Hi Folks,

A big thanks to all the Coaches, VPs, Coordinators, Managers and Safety people who have attempted to continue to provide ice time availability for our organization.

It's not easy to design practices or coordinate groupings to allow this. Also a big thanks to the parents who have been so supportive during these times and the players who have done their best to participate within the current limitations.

Just a reminder that the "what to do" along with Public Health guidelines for COVID situations for 2022 is under the COVID tab of our website :

If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to contact me directly and I'll answer as best I can.

Thanks again!

VP Risk

Bryan Esbaugh


Jan 19, 2022

Rink Closure Jan 15, 2022 *STORM*

Good Morning,

 We apologise for the late notice, the Lions rink is delaying opening today, until at least lunchtime. Once we receive and update- we will communicte it.

U7 - all cancelled today

U9- 11-1pm cancelled, and groups 1 & 2 

We will update as we get more info. Desi VP of U9 will communicate with teams as well!

Please reach out to Desi at with any questions

If you are cancelling your icetime- please reach out to Katie at



Jan 15, 2022

U7 update Jan 2022

Hi U7 Families,

 We are excited to be returning to the ice with our U7 program! Please read this email carefully. Note that there will be no adjustments to the groupings outlined, which will be in effect up to and including January 30th. Under current restrictions, we needed to re-group players. Restrictions which specify only players & Coaches are allowed in the rink at this time.


Please note: If anyone (player, Coach or Safety Rep) is unable to make a session, or doesn’t want to attend ice times, please reach out immediately to Matt White- VP U7

Safety reps are required for all Groups, and players cannot enter the arena until a Safety Rep has checked them in.

 Please see attached groupings and schedule. U7 Groups Jan 2022 (1) 

In order to meet our number restrictions and have good flow given these changes, we ask everyone to follow the below instructions:

-        All players are to report to the rink fully dressed including skates and helmets. Masked must   be worn until entering ice surface.

-        Safety Reps must check in players outside of the rink.

-        Parents can remove skate guards in the front entrance.

-        If your player is listed with a coach, you may enter the rink 15 minutes early.

-        If your player is listed between numbers 1 through 8 for their group, you may check in 10 minutes prior to ice time.

-        If your player is listed 9 through 16 for their group, you may check in 7 minutes prior to ice time.

-        Please review with your player what number they are.

-        Upon completion of their ice time, the players will exit via the side door.

-        Players will be lined up in the same order as numbers assigned.

-        We ask parents be waiting outside at the side door to receive their player in this order to make for a seamless exit from rink.

-        While on ice, Players 1-8 will remain on one side of the ice with their identified coach. Players 9-16 on the other. Please discuss this with your player as there cannot be any mixing of groups at this time, so it is important for all players to remain on their side and listen to their coaches.

-        Please have your player use the washroom before coming to the rink. With our limited numbers on ice and no support personnel allowed, bathroom breaks will be problematic!

As a reminder- here is the Lions Rink Covid Protocols Jan 2022 COVID Rules 


Matt, VP U7

Jan 12, 2022