Association News


Free U7 Development Opportunity

We are pleased to offer a complimentary opportunity for our returning U7 players and any new players to our Association who want to get on the ice before the season starts.  We have 3 hours total for these groups on Saturday September 10 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM , Saturday September 17 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM , and Saturday September 24th  9:00 AM - 10:00 AM . Depending on numbers, players may be able to participate in more than one group. 

In order to register, please complete the form linked belew  for your player and submit it by Tuesday September 7th. Please ensure that each player that you are registering has their own google form completed. 

Groups will be made once all Registration Forms have been submitted. Group lists will be posted on Wednesday Sept 8th

Also please indicate if you would be available to assist on ice, with dressing room supervision, or as a safety rep / check in role during your players session. 

Please ensure that each player is accompanied by an adult and arrives at least 20 minutes prior to their scheduled time . 


U7 Registration Form



If you have any questions, please contact me at :




Ja-red Glazebrook   

VP Development  

 Chebucto  Minor Hockey

Sep 2, 2022

Preason Development Starts Next Week! Groups and Schedule Attached.

Welcome back Chebucto families !

We are looking forward to getting back on the ice with our players. Again this year we have seen a great response to our Preseason Development Blocks. In particular, U11 and U13 continue to attract a good number of players, with 4 groups each. U9 remains consistent with 2 groups while U15 has seen the largest growth going from 3 groups last year, to 5 this year. You will notice that two of these U15 groups (A & C) have been combined with U 18 players. The U18 age group was the only one to see numbers go down. All U18 players will notice that they have been placed in a U15/U18  Group.

 We have also received responses from interested U7 parents, and we were able to offer 3 hours of ice to that age group.

New this year, and based on feedback we received from our membership, we have added two groups intended for U15 players who have expressed interest in a Checking Clinic Review. CMHA is offering this refresher free of charge for U15 players who registered for preseason development. These sessions are intended for those players who have already completed the Checking Clinic and in no way can be used in place of any offered in the past. We would like to thank Daryl Joseph for assisting us with this new opportunity.

Click on the link below to find your players group/schedule.  There is a tab called “Master Schedule” that will give you your ice times.  At this time players will only be able to attend the ice times assigned to their Group(s).  All ice times will be held at the Halifax Forum Complex on either the “ Forum” sheet or the “Civic” sheet.  Be sure to check the schedule to ensure you know which ice surface you are on.  As a reminder, if you have not paid, please send your money via e-transfer to  prior to the beginning of the sessions next week.

Preseason Groups and times-2022

Chebucto Minor Hockey Preseason Schedule -2022

For those who have offered to help, a future email and sign up sheet will be sent out Friday. Please sign up for any role you feel comfortable with. If you have any questions, please send me an email to:

 Excited to get started for the 2022-23 season ! 

 Ja-red Glazebrook

VP Development

Chebucto Minor Hockey


Aug 31, 2022

Competitive Tryout Information

To all Chebucto Familes,

 As we move closer to the start of the 2022 – 23 minor hockey season, we wanted everyone to have an opportunity to see what our plans are for the upcoming Competitive Evaluations so both parents and players are well prepared for what is to come.

 The attached documents contain all of the policies and procedures in place for Chebucto across all competitive levels, and amendments to the U15AA and U13AAA levels to line up with new suggested start dates that Hockey Nova Scotia recently sent out.

You are encouraged to read them; if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out me at:


 Thank you,

 Stephen, on behalf of the Evaluation Committee

VP Competitive, Chebucto Minor Hockey  

Aug 15, 2022

Hockey NS Goalie Initiative

Interested in trying goalie?  FREE Goalie Development Sessions

Aug 12, 2022

Preseason Development is Now Open!

Register for Pre-Season Development Sessions!

Aug 8, 2022

Registration for Competitive Tryout Deadline is in less than two weeks!

This is a reminder the deadline to register for Competitive Tryouts is on Thursday, August 18th. 

Aug 5, 2022