Association News


Tryout Update and Fiona

To all Chebucto families,

As anticipated, Hurricane Fiona has severely impacted the availability of ice at the Lion’s Rink. As it stands right now, we are not expecting things to be ready there for at least a week. 

In the meantime, we have secured ice on Tuesday evening for the U15’s and Thursday evening for the U13’s at SMU to begin the try out process. The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, September 27

8:00 PM

8:50 PM


U15 Non Contact

Intersquad Game 1 vs 2

Tuesday, September 27

9:00 PM

9:50 PM


U15 Non Contact

Intersquad Game 3 vs 4







Thursday, September 29

6:00 PM

6:50 PM


U13 Group III

Skills I

Thursday, September 29

7:00 PM

7:50 PM


U13 Group II

Skills I

Thursday, September 29

8:00 PM

8:50 PM


U13 Group I

Skills I


A reminder that SMU still has COVID protocols in place so ALL people entering the arena MUST wear a mask, except when on the ice.

Updated player lists for U15 and U13 will be posted no later than 5 pm, Monday, September 26, so please check to ensure you know when your player is expected to be on the ice.

We are actively trying to secure ice outside of the Lion’s rink, so please monitor emails regularly, as there may be ice times added.




Stephen, on behalf of the evaluation committee

VP Competitive

Sep 25, 2022

Development Sessions are ON today! (September 25th)

The Forum is OPEN and Jared will be there to run sessions for players who are signed up and able to make it.  


Sep 25, 2022

Development Sessions for Friday (Sept 23) and Saturday (Sept 24) CANCELLED due to STORM

The Forum is closing Friday evening and all day Saturday due to the impending storm, so therefore all development sessions are cancelled for the next two days.  We will give an update about Sunday sessions once we have one.


Craig Myra

President, CMHA


Sep 23, 2022

Fiona's Impact on Tryouts

Good evening,

This message is to inform you that the start date for Tryouts, which was scheduled to begin this coming Monday, September 26th, will be impacted by the impending storm due to ice production at the Spryfield's Lions Rink. At this time, we are not sure what impact this will have on our start date, but we will have more information after the storm has passed.  Please monitor your email as I will try to provide you with an update on Sunday or Monday.

In terms of the development sessions occuring this weekend, I will provide you with an update by noon tomorrow whether those sessions will occur.

I hope everyone stays safe over the weekend.

Take care,

Craig Myra

President, CMHA


Sep 23, 2022

Mark Your Calendars! U15 Major Action Coming to the Spryfield Lion's Rink Nov 11th @ 1:30pm

U15 Major action is coming to our home rink on Friday, November 11th at 1:30pm.  The Gulls, which have a number of former Chebucto players, face off again the Bedford Bandits, who are led by Chebucto's own Jared Glazebrook and Paul Hunt!  Come and watch some amazing hockey by two of the top teams in the U15 Major League and cheer on our Chebucto Alumni!

Admission is $5 for 15 years+ and they will be selling 50/50 at the door!

We hope to see you there!


Sep 22, 2022