Association News


CMHA updates Dec 15, 2021

Hello Chebucto Families,

 Since the announcement from Public Health on Dec 13th, 2021 we have received some clarification from HNS- Click here for the news release.


Kyle Henneberry Memorial Tournament registration refunds will begin immediately, but due to e-transfer banking limits, it may take up to 10+ days to complete. We thank you for your patience.

Keepers Club- we will pause until Jan 4th, 2022

Junior Coaching- we will pause until Jan 8th, 2021

Development sessions : we will pause until Jan 15,2022

Facility guidelines: All facilities may have their own policies. Please make sure you are aware of these prior to attending events in the Facilities you are playing and practicing in. As noted in the Public Health announcement.

Spryfield Lions Rink Policy will be posted on our website under the Covid 19 tab and communicated once we receive it.

All of this is subject to change, but will be reviewed in the New Year, after Public Health announcements are released. Please continue to follow all the Public Health guidelines – wash your hands, WEAR YOUR MASKS and be safe.

Once again, we are in a state of uncertainty…CMHA appreciates your patience and understanding as we navigate through more restrictions and shutdowns.

Hang in there….We have done it before- we can do it again!





Dec 15, 2021

Public Health update info- cancellations

Hello Chebucto Families,

 Public Health just made an announcement today at 3pm. CMHA will provide an update later tonight, once we have had an opportunity to review the inpacts and hear supporting info from Hockey Nova Scotia.


What we know right now:

The Kyle Henneberry Memorial Tournament is cancelled. All details around this cancellation will be communicated ASAP. Tournament organisers are working through the details around communication and refunds. Please be patient and allow the process to happen. CMHA teams will be conctacted soon with next steps. 


Development session Dec 18th 2-4pm are cancelled- not because of this announcement, but because the ice was needed for some TBR games.

All Minor hockey will remain the same until Thursday Dec 16th. Once we know more, we will communciate it!


Once again, we are in a situation with more restrictions...please follow Public Health Directives. Please be diligent and continue to adhere to the guidelines!

For the latest info:


I apprecaite your patience and understanding,




Dec 13, 2021


Hi Folks,

It has come to the attention of the Chebucto Executive that many of our spectators and players are not exercising proper mask discipline while inside facilities including dressing rooms. 

We are still dealing with a pandemic and cases continue to arise and appear within our membership and on our teams. Wearing a mask is a key preventative measure to protecting those around you. If you are not wearing your mask properly, you are not protecting those around you. 

This is particularly concerning to those groups who have participants who are not fully vaccinated at this time (U7, U9, U11, U13). 

Complaints to this effect have been received from concerned members to the team Safety Reps and if this continues the Chebucto Executive will take action to limit and/or restrict spectators from events.

If in the opinion of the Chebucto Executive we cannot ensure we are minimizing chance of the spread of COVID due to lack of mask discipline, we will be forced to no longer allow spectators. 


Dec 12, 2021

Spryfield Lions Rink and Herring Cove Road Water Main Repair

Hello All,

 Please be advised that you will need to take alternate routes to the Spryfield Lions Rink, until the water main break is repaired- see news release below.

Also, water pressure is very low at the rink, and the dressing room washrooms will be closed. Public Washrooms will remain open. 








Public Service Announcement


UPDATE: Water Service Advisory – Herring Cove Road & Area – Water Main Repair


(December 9, 2021) Halifax Water crews are continuing work to repair a water main on Herring Cove Road. Customers in the following areas may experience low water pressure or no water service until approximately 8:00 PM tonight (see attached map):


  • Spryfield
  • Thornhill
  • Williams Lake
  • Boulderwood
  • Green Acres
  • Herring Cove
  • Cowie Hill
  • Armdale
  • Melville Cove
  • Leiblin Park


Full water pressure is expected to be restored in these areas overnight into tomorrow morning as the system refills following the repair today.

Herring Cove Road is closed to all traffic near Dentith Road. Experienced traffic control personnel will be on-site to manage traffic flows. Sidewalks remain open.

Motorists should expect delays and use alternate routes. Motorists are also reminded that speed fines double in work zones.

We apologize for any inconvenience this necessary infrastructure improvement work may cause.


For more information on Halifax Water, please check, visit us on YouTube, or Twitter @HalifaxWater, Facebook, or call our Customer Care Centre at 902-420-9287.

- 30 -

Media Contact:

Jake Fulton – External Communications & Public Relations Advisor, Halifax Water

(902) 456-6585 |


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Dec 9, 2021

CMHA Atlantic's Against Racism Action Plan & Expression of Interest- New Committee

Hello Chebucto Families,


I adddition to the Atlantics Against Racism statement, please additional next steps:


“The Chebucto Minor Hockey Association will not tolerate racism in any shape or form.

With respect to measures resulting from incidents surrounding recent PEI hockey events it has come to light that there have been further incidents within our own organization.


These events and reports will be thoroughly investigated by the executive with urgency and actions taken in accordance with our zero tolerance policy. These actions may include sanction and potentially eviction from our hockey community.


Chebucto is extremely committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment, free from hate, for all our players and volunteers. To that end we will be launching awareness initiatives aimed at eliminating this behavior and insuring that all reported incidents are investigated and dealt with swiftly.”


 We would like to create a NEW COMMITTEE dedicated to launching these initiatives. 

Chebucto Minor Hockey Association (CMHA)


Expression of Interest




Action Item - Addressing issues of Racism and other forms of hate within our Association.

Get Involved! We are looking for people interested in becoming a member of a newly formed CMHA Committee – Developing a Safe and Inclusive Environment for all Members of our Association (Players, Coaches, Team Staff, Officials, Spectators, and Parents).


Rationale for developing the committee:  We believe all members of our Association must respect and appreciate diversity of others regardless of their race, culture, ethnicity, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability or mental disability, mental illness, age, national or aboriginal origin, socio-economic status, or appearance.


 Two Roles of the Committee:


 First Role:


 To ensure unacceptable behavior will be responded to immediately. The three unacceptable behaviors this committee will focus on are bullying, discriminatory behavior, and racist behavior.  We would be addressing behaviors by all members within our Association (Players, Coaches, Team Staff, Officials, Spectators, and Parents).


 Defining Bullying - Bullying means behavior, typically repeated, that is intended to cause

or should to be known to cause fear, intimidation, humiliation, exclusion, distress or other harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, reputation or property, and can be direct or indirect, and includes assisting or encouraging the behavior in any way.


 Defining Discriminatory Behavior - Discriminatory behavior includes any discrimination based on race, culture, ethnicity, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability or mental disability, mental illness, age, national or aboriginal origin, socio-economic status, or appearance.


 Defining Racist Behavior - Racist behavior includes using racial/cultural slurs, engaging in racial/ethnic name-calling, or actions, or inciting others to use racist language or engage in racist behaviors.


 Duties will include:




- Developing a mechanism for players and/or parents to report incidences of unacceptable behaviors


- Investigate and address reports when incidences of unacceptable behavior are submitted


- Work with the CHMA Executive to determine if/what consequences may occur as a result of the report, after the investigation is completed.


Second Role:


 To use proactive and preventative approaches to reduce the occurrence of the above listed unacceptable behaviors within of our Association.


 Duties will include:




- Develop training sessions for Coaches and Team Staff on identifying, reporting, and addressing the above-mentioned unacceptable behaviors.  This can be done in partnership with resources created by Hockey NS.


- Develop information sessions and resources for Parents on how they can support their players in identifying and reporting incidences of unacceptable behavior.  This can be done in partnership with resources created by Hockey NS.


-Building awareness and capacity within all members of our Association to address incidences of bullying, discrimination, and racism within our Association.


If you are interested in joining this committee, please email  We are hoping to have a diverse group of individuals that will bring many different perspectives to this very important work.


 We will be looking to have our first committee meeting in the New Year!



 CMHA Board



Dec 9, 2021