Welcome Back to Chebucto Minor Hockey Keepers Club!!!

Keepers Club will begin Nov 16th, 2021, this season we will be offering 2 hours a week of Goalie development. Every Tuesday and Sunday each week.
Nov 16th- Tuesday: 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Spryfield Rink
Nov 21th- Sundays: 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. BMO Centre
This is a fantastic opportunity for goalies of all levels to come out and develop their skills. All drills will be dedicated to goalies.
To register please click on google link below, spots are limited.
Keepers Club Registration
You must fill out the form and then send Payment to Al Driscoll ,Treasurer via e-transfer
$20 per session to Treasurer@chebuctominorhockey.com
Please use the password Goalie
If you are using the Team Goalie budget- there is an option on the form to note that.
Please note- Registration will be open every Sunday after 2pm for the following week. You can only register for each session a week at a time. Yes- you can register for both:)Please note the dates you wish to register for. ex: Nov 16, 2021& Nov 21, 2021
Look forward to seeing you all again and meeting some new goalies.
For any inquires, please reach out to me directly, via email below!
Justin Ritcey - ritceyjustin@gmail.com
Goalie Development Coordinator
Chebucto Minor Hockey Association