Association News


U9 and U11 Player Development Nov 20th

Hello U9 and U11 Familes,

This Saturday, Nov 20 is Player development for U9 and U11 players- all divisions

Please click HERE to register

Any quesitons- please reach out to Ja-red Glazebrook, VP Development



Nov 15, 2021

U7 Picture Day- Dec 4th

U7 Picture Day

 Hi all

Picture Day for our U7’s will be December 4th directly before your regularly scheduled ice times. Please arrive as you normally do with mask on and at normal time with full gear. Pictures will be taken before going on ice.

Please see the order form (click the link) below for your team’s photo session.  Parents will need to go to this link in order to enter their information.  


Please note that Individual items are available by clicking on the dropdown menus. You will see how much you owe based on your order.


Chebucto U7s


Payment is due in the form of cash on photo day


Please have parents bring their payment in a sealed envelope, labeled with their player and team name for photo day. We will have extra envelopes on site as well.


Matt White

VP, U7


Nov 12, 2021

CMHA Player Development Sessions U9-U15

Hello Chebucto Families,

 We are pleased to be able to offer additional hours of development for U9-U15 divisions this season. The dates and times for each age group will take place every Saturday between 2pm-4pm in Spryfield, starting this weekend Nov 13 and continuing until Feb 26th.  At this time the focus will be on individual skill development. Based on interest, we may differentiate our plan to be more specialized in certain aspects of the game.

The Google form will be posted Sunday evenings and your confirmation of enrollment will be completed by Wednesday evening for the upcoming Saturday. This will be posted on our website, under the DEVELOPMENT tab.  Please complete the form at the start of each week you wish to attend. Please only choose one date on the form for the week you are attending. Please complete one form for each player.
Each session will be $20. We will keep track of your sessions and request payment in two installments- January and March. You will receive an invoice,  payments can be made via etransfer to Al Driscoll, treasurer.  (do not send an etranser when you submit your form) Only when you are billed by Al.
Please click HERE to register your player. 
Please note- This weekend Nov 13- U13 & U15 groups will begin. 
Each date is noted on the form under the Divisions - you only choose one date under the appropriate age group. Dates will be reflective of the groups that are on the ice that day.
Thanks very much, we look foward to seeing you on the ice!
Jar-ed Glazebrook
VP Development
For any questions please contact:
Nov 10, 2021


Good afternoon everyone,


Following our consultations with Nova Scotia Public Health and Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang, we have been advised that fully-vaccinated teams can now travel to New Brunswick for sporting events provided that the event (game, tournament, etc.) they are attending has a requirement for both spectators and participants to show proof of vaccination (POV).


Teams with unvaccinated players under 12 are not permitted to travel to tournaments in New Brunswick where a circuit breaker is in place. Please visit the Government of New Brunswick website to find up-to-date information about what areas of the province are currently under circuit breaker restrictions. 


While travelling to New Brunswick for competition, all local COVID-19 protocols and Public Health orders must be followed. Our Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tina Atkinson would also like to strongly encourage all of our teams and hockey families to follow these guidelines to further decrease the risk of a COVID-19 exposure:


  • Wear masks at all times while indoors (only removing them for eating, drinking and playing hockey).
  • Always wear masks while in crowded outdoor spaces where physical distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Avoid crowded restaurants (and only visit restaurants where servers are masked).
  • Wash and sanitize hands frequently.
  • Avoid close contact with people you don’t know.
  • Consider shopping for essential items only.

We would also like to remind you all to follow the Rebound Plan 2.0 and keep a close eye on exposure notices from the province.




Amy Walsh

Executive Director

Hockey Nova Scotia


Arnie Farrell


Hockey Nova Scotia



Garreth MacDonald

Communications & Special Events Director

Hockey Nova Scotia


259 Commodore Drive

Dartmouth, NS, B3B 0M1


Nov 3, 2021

Attention New Coaches and Volunteers!!

Attention New Coaches and Volunteers;


There have been quite a few questions about how to create your profile in Hockey Canada.

Our registrar has opened an online registration which will allow you to easily create a profile and obtain a Hockey Canada Registration number.

For anyone who has NOT previously registered as a coach or volunteer in the past please click the link below to get started;

MHA Registration Page (


There are no fees attached to this registration.


We have noticed cases of volunteer information not being transferred to the New Hockey Canada Registration site.  We encourage anyone who has volunteered in the past to confirm your registration information still exists.   


This information is also included on the Volunteer Certification Information Page of the Chebucto Website!




Alicia Payne and Bryan Esbaugh

Registrar and VP Risk

Nov 3, 2021

U7 Schedules are now available on our Website

Hello U7 Families,

 All U7 Groups 1,2,3,4 are now available on our website.

Here is how you find it:

Click U7 tab-CMHA U7

Go to TEAMS- upper left corner- click your group- 1,2,3,4

Then hit NEWS and click the link - click the highlighted HERE for your schedule.


Any questions please reach out to Matt White, VP U7


Nov 2, 2021