Association News


Updated Close Contact Information from Hockey Nova Scotia

Please find updated "close contact" information from Hockey Nova Scotia under the COVID-19 tab on our website. 

In summary it details that in the event of a COVID case on your team or against someone you have a game against, the entire team is not considered a "close contact", but rather only those that have been within 6 feet for a continuous period of 15 miniutes (e.g. if you sat close to someone in the dressing room for at least 15 minutes). 

The details are here.

Go Chebucto!

VP Risk

Bryan Esbaugh

Feb 17, 2022

U7 & U9 Remainder of Season schedules

Hello U7 & U9 Families,

Please see the attached schedules for the remainder of the season.

U7 Final Schedule (3)

U9 Schedule -Final 2022

VP's will be in touch with other season end information soon!




Feb 16, 2022

Facility information- Spectator and Entrance times

Hello Chebucto Families,

 Please visit our Website under the Covid 19 tab for the updated Facility policies.

Please note- we have not received an updated SMU policy yet- It will be posted under this tab once we receive it.

Please click the link below:

COVID 19 | Chebucto Minor Hockey Association

All other arenas are located on the website below- please note that some of these have not been updated yet- but you can use the link below to find them once they are- hopefully by Monday!

Arena | Recreation | Ice | Halifax




Feb 12, 2022

Feb 10th Update

Hello Chebucto Families,

  Public Health has announced a Phase approach to restrictions. Please see the releases below: Effective Feb 14th, 2022.

All current practice schedules will be in place until Monday, Feb 14th at 12:01 am.

 This means that on Monday Feb 14th- games can resume. Team managers have been contacted by Katie, our ice scheduler to inform them of what to expect over the coming weeks, we encourage managers to communicate this to their teams.

   You will find Central Minor (competitive) and Metro Minor(recreation) sites have already populated games into team calendars. Please go to your team tab and have a look? More info on this will follow later (season and year end plans)- in the meantime- enjoy getting back to playing games and watching our players enjoy the game they love!!

Field of play and spectator allowances have been increased- Remember the field of play covers- on ice, bench, timekeeper area, penalty box and dressing rooms. Each facility will have their own policy with capacity and spectator allowances- Safety Reps-please familiarize yourself with each arena. I expect an update for the Spryfield Lions rink policy before Monday- it will be posted on our website under the Covid 19 tab.

HNS has noted the following info as it relates to Minor Hockey:

Phase 1 will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, Feb, 14 and the following restrictions impacting hockey will go into effect:


  • Groups of up to 60 are now permitted in the field of play.
  • Teams can have practices and regular league games (see explanation below).
  • Competition is limited to regular league games. This refers to the current league that your team is playing in. If a game is part of your team’s regular league or competitive schedule, it is allowed. Bringing together teams that typically do not play one another is not allowed.
  • Tournaments are still not permitted.
  • Physical distancing is not required in the field of play; masks are recommended at all times when not on the ice surface.
  • Spectators are allowed up to the formal gathering limit; the formal gathering limit for gatherings is 50 per cent of capacity indoors. Capacities will vary by facility. Please check with your local rink. (NOTE: While the Feb 9th  press release states that fitness, recreation and leisure businesses and organizations can operate at 75 per cent capacity and references arenas, we have clarified with the province that this section does not apply to hockey or spectators at a hockey game).


Public Health Restrictions to Ease Over Three Phases - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

Reopening plan - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

HNS Release



Sara Aucoin

President, CMHA

Feb 10, 2022

Public Health and HNS updates-CMHA updates and NEW schedule info

Feb 5th, 2022


Hello Chebucto Families,

Thank you to all Families, safety reps/managers, coaches, players for your patience and understanding as we worked to get another schedule prepared for the upcoming week.

Public Health has released an update with and increase in group sizes that begins Monday Feb 7th, 2022 .  All schedules are to remain the same until then. 

Please see below for Public Health release.

Limits Increasing for Practices and Rehearsals - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

Please click HERE for the HNS release.

How does this affect CMHA:

1.We will continue to follow our existing schedule for most teams until Feb 14th .

Please click this link: CMHA Restart Schedule Feb 2022 - Final v2  for the current schedule.

Please note: U7 schedule/( groups are the same) and U9 schedules/groups have changed- the Feb 12&13 ice times have been changed:

U7 click this link: U7 Groups 2021-22 _extention Feb 14th 

U9 click link: U9 Groups and Ice 2022 (edits) Please take note of the tabs and groups have changed back to original teams. 

2. Teams can have 25 in the field of play; no group separations are necessary- this includes all players and coaches. No change to entrance times, so please continue to arrive as dressed as you can, and wear your mask at all times, until you are ready to go on the ice.

3. Safety rep is still required for entry into facilities and must screen all volunteers,players and coaches.

4. NO spectator’s allowed.

CMHA will communicate any further details as they come in..fingers crossed that we are soon back to playing games!

For reference- the FIELD OF PLAY includes ice surface, bench, timekeeper/penalty box areas and dressing room.


Sara Aucoin

President, CMHA

Feb 5, 2022