Association News


U15 Tryout Request

Parents/ Guardians,
At the U15 level, players are able to choose between contact and non-contact hockey. U15AA and U15A are contact, while U15B is non-contact. 
If you have a player who wishes to play NON-CONTACT only, could you please email me at
Those players wishing to play non-contact only will be excused from all contact intersquad games, and will resume evaluations when more non-contact sessions are scheduled.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Stephen, on behalf of the evaluation committee
VP Competitive


VP Competitive
Chebucto Minor Hockey Association
Aug 27, 2023

Aug 26th - Checking Clinic Cancellation

Hi folks,


Unfortunately due to extremely low signups ( less than 5) we have had to cancel our Checking Clinic for Aug 26th. All registrations for this clinic will be moved to the session in Sept. Anyone registered who would like a refund please contact VP Development and we will process ASAP.


VP Development

Bryan Esbaugh

Aug 25, 2023

Complaint Resolution Flow Chart - 23/24 Season at Chebucto Minor Hockey

As we get ready to move into the 23-24 season, I would like to take a moment to remind you of the flow that you should follow if/when you may have a concern that you feel needs to be addressed.  This infomation is also on the website under the menu item "Risk Management".


Complaint Resolution Communication

The 24-Hour Rule

When an issue occurs and a party has a resulting complaint to make or issue to be resolved, they are asked to wait 24 hours, then put the issue in writing and submit it to the appropriate party. Whether this issue is labelled as coaching error, team mate interference, parent conflict or any other of a number of possible situations, it is very important that all parties involved take the full 24 hours to remove or decrease the emotional element so that the actual issue can be resolved quickly, in a civilized manner, and to everyone's satisfaction.

Contact Lines of Communication

Parent/Player with the Issue

Team Manager/Coach

Minor Hockey Association President/Executive VP

Regional Director/League Executive

Conference Coordinator / Minor Council Chair

Hockey Nova Scotia Executive Director

Hockey Nova Scotia Executive

Hockey Canada and its Members want to end the culture of silence that exists in parts of hockey. To help ensure that we are a safe space for raising concerns, Hockey Canada has established a new, fully independent, and confidential reporting mechanism for all individuals regarding any incidents involving Hockey Canada sanctioned programming as outlined in the Action Plan. This reporting mechanism is known as the Independent Third Party (ITP).


The role of the ITP is to receive all hockey related maltreatment, sexual violence, harassment, abuse or discrimination complaints by anyone affiliated within Hockey Canada programs.


Complaints can be submitted by email to


Aug 23, 2023

Pre-Season Development Week 2 - Still Limited Space Available

Hi Folks,


We've had a great start to Pre-Season!!

There is still some very limited space left in a few spots for this weekends and Sept sessions. Sign up here:


Single Session Signup Form:

...don't forget --  Have Fun, Try Hard, Never Give Up!


Go Chebucto!


VP Development - Bryan Esbaugh

Aug 23, 2023

Last day to Register for Competitive!

Only a few hours left to register for competitive! 

All requests made after today will be subject to approval and will require a $50 late fee be paid along with your registration.  



Aug 22, 2023

Rink Ratz Preseason Hours

Rink Ratz Preseason Hours


Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 5-9pm

Saturday 11am-3pm


Regular hours will resume once ice is in at the rink.  

For inquires call 902-877-4573. 



Joe M

Rink Ratz

Aug 21, 2023