Association News


President Final Message 2021-2022 Season

Hello Chebucto Families,

 As we approach the end of the 2021-2022 Season and our AGM May 17th, 7:00pm in the Atlantic Room. (More details will follow).


I wanted to send out a final note....Please click here for President_21_22 Final Season Message



Sara Aucoin,

President, CMHA

May 11, 2022

CMHA Board Nominations & AGM 2021-2022 Info

Hello Chebucto Families,


 CMHA Board nominations are now closed. The following is the result:

President (2-year term)- Two nominees (requires a vote):

-Bryan Esbaugh

-Craig Myra

Executive Vice President- Craig Messervey- in 2nd Year

Vice President Competitive – Stephen Pelham

Vice President Recreation – VACANT

Vice President U7- VACANT

Vice President U9- VACANT

Vice President Development – Jar-ed Glazebrook

Vice President Fundraising- Alicia Payne

Vice President Administration- Heather FraserAcclaimed

Vice President Risk Management- Bryan Esbaugh – Possible Vacancy

Treasurer – Al Driscoll

Registrar- Alicia Payne

Ice Coordinator- Katie Murphy

Referee in chief (RIC)- Chris Newell

Equipment Coordinator- Susan Beamish

Tournament Coordinator- Peter Jollimore

Member at Large (2)- Cathy Delbridge

                                  - VACANT- U9 representee

Division Coordinators: Non-Board Seats- Administrative only

U7- Vacant

U9- Vacant

U11- Comp-Vacant- Rec- Vacant

U13- Comp- Alex Allen, REC- Shawn Birt

U15- Comp- Alex Cranston- REC- Vacant

U18- Comp- Vacant, Rec- Vacant

Congratulations to all Board members returning and to our New VP Administration- Heather Fraser.

As you can see, there are many vacancies, we will put out an expression of interest after the AGM…. if you would like more info on the roles and responsibilities…please do not hesitate to reach out to Craig Messervey or myself. Our association is completely dependant on volunteers to run and without your help, these areas will not function properly. WE NEED YOU? You can also visit our website under the Policies tab for our CMHA constitution for all the position descriptions.

Policies | Chebucto Minor Hockey Association

Please mark your calendars:

CMHA AGM On May 17th- 7:00 pm in the Atlantic Room.

Please click this link AGM_AGENDA_2021-2022  for the AGM Agenda

One vote will take place for the President Role- this vote will be the last order of business at the AGM, and will be by secret ballot. You must be in attendance and registered( registration will take place by sign in) to vote.

Doors will be open at 6:45pm.

Many thanks to all the returning Board members and Coordinators. If you have any questions, please reach out or

See you at the AGM May 17th at 7:00 pm.


Sara & Craig

President & EVP

May 2, 2022

2022-2023 CMHA Board Nomination Reminder

Hello Chebucto Families,

  As the 21-22 season comes to a close, I wanted to take the time to send out a reminder!

You may have noticed that Nominations for the 22-23 Season have gone out for CMHA Board Positions…please make note that all positions are open for nomination, even if the current board members are re-offering. The only one not open is Craig Messervey at EVP.

Please see website for info:

CMHA is Seeking Board Nominations for 22-23 Season | Chebucto Minor Hockey Association

In saying that, I wanted to share that I am not re-offering next season and wanted to take the time to thank everyone for the support I have received over the past 3 years on the CMHA Board.

More messages coming soon regarding the Nominations, Annual General meeting (AGM-hold the date- May 17th , 2022) and Year end info!


Sara Aucoin,

President, CMHA


Apr 20, 2022

Coaches Survey 2021-2022 Season

Hello Everyone,

CMHA CSC is seeking  info on coaches from the 2021-2022 Season.

Coaches Survey:

Your feedback is important, and will provide us with information we will use next season during the coach selection process. 
Please take a few minutes to provide your insight by clicking here.  
Thanks in advance, 
Coaches Selection Committee(CSC)
Apr 20, 2022

CMHA is Seeking Board Nominations for 22-23 Season

Hello Chebucto Families,


CMHA is seeking Board nominations for the 2022-2023 season:

All Board Positions are open for nominations, except Executive Vice President (in 2nd term)

All Board members are re-offering except the following positions:

President (2-year term) - please note this is the opposite year to Executive VP





VP Recreation


VP Administration


Member at Large (U9 affiliated)


We are seeking Administration positions for the 2022-2023 Season: these are administration positions and would directly work with the VP of the divisions and with VP Development. These are not board seats and do not vote at meetings.

U7 coordinator

U9- coordinator

U11 –coordinator-2 positions- Recreation and Competitive

U13- coordinator-2 positions- Recreation and Competitive

U15-coordinator-2 positions- Recreation and Competitive

U18-coordinator- 2 positions- Recreation and Competitive

~These positions will work with the VP of the respective divisions and help coordinate Season plans, Safety Reps, manager support, equipment needs, development plans, tryouts (comp), balancing (Rec) and year end festivities.

So many of you answered the call to help this past season. Thanks for volunteering your time. We are looking to support our VPs within their divisions again for the 2022-2023 Season and hope you will consider joining the team.


All nominations will be open from April 11 - April 25. Please send your nomination to me via email at Please include the name, email and phone number of the nominee.


Once a nomination is received, an email goes to the nominee for approval and acceptance. The nominee needs two members in good standing to confirm and support the nomination.  (Member is good standing is an active parent/board member within the association) The nominee must provide email and phone contacts of the two members in good standing apon acceptance.


Once all nominations are in- a message will go out if Voting is required, and will be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is planned for May 17, 2022- 7pm in the Atlantic Room- more details to come as we get closer.


Craig Messervey

Executive Vice President



Apr 11, 2022


Great opportunity for any Women looking to gain coaching training:)


Hockey Nova Scotia, in partnership with Hockey Canada and the We Are Coaches program, will be offering a virtual Development 1 coaching clinic later this month to women coaches who are coaching in Nova Scotia hockey associations. The clinic will be offered free of charge and will be open to the first 30 coaches who register (see registration details below).




The Development 1 clinic dates are as follows:


  • WednesdayApril 20: 7:00-9:30 p.m. 
  • SundayApril 24: 7:00-9:30 p.m.
  • WednesdayApril 27: 7:00-9:30 p.m.


Please Note: This clinic will be offered over Zoom. Participants must attend all three sessions to fulfill the course requirements.


Participants who register will receive a Zoom link one day prior to each start date. 




To register, please submit the following information to Brad Taylor at


  • Full Name
  • Date of birth
  • Hockey ID
  • Current coaching level
  • Hockey Association


The We Are Coaches program was launched in 2006 and aims to increase the number of trained women coaches in Canada and to provide mentors and role models for young participants.


Please share this information with women coaches in your networks. If you have any questions about this clinic opportunity, please contact me at




Brad Taylor

Technical Director

Hockey Nova Scotia

Apr 8, 2022