Association News


CMHA Player Development Sessions U9-U15

Hello Chebucto Families,

 We are pleased to be able to offer additional hours of development for U9-U15 divisions this season. The dates and times for each age group will take place every Saturday between 2pm-4pm in Spryfield, starting this weekend Nov 13 and continuing until Feb 26th.  At this time the focus will be on individual skill development. Based on interest, we may differentiate our plan to be more specialized in certain aspects of the game.

The Google form will be posted Sunday evenings and your confirmation of enrollment will be completed by Wednesday evening for the upcoming Saturday. This will be posted on our website, under the DEVELOPMENT tab.  Please complete the form at the start of each week you wish to attend. Please only choose one date on the form for the week you are attending. Please complete one form for each player.
Each session will be $20. We will keep track of your sessions and request payment in two installments- January and March. You will receive an invoice,  payments can be made via etransfer to Al Driscoll, treasurer.  (do not send an etranser when you submit your form) Only when you are billed by Al.
Please click HERE to register your player. 
Please note- This weekend Nov 13- U13 & U15 groups will begin. 
Each date is noted on the form under the Divisions - you only choose one date under the appropriate age group. Dates will be reflective of the groups that are on the ice that day.
Thanks very much, we look foward to seeing you on the ice!
Jar-ed Glazebrook
VP Development
For any questions please contact:
Nov 10, 2021