Association News
Timekeepers and Referees Needed!!!
Chebucto Minor Hockey Officials and Timekeepers Needed. We find ourselves with a shortage of refs and timekeepers, without these critical roles, we cant prepare for the season. Please consider helping this season. A great part time job for CMHA players. Spread the word! Please see message from our RIC Chris Newell.
Becoming an Official or Timekeeper Chebucto Minor Hockey is always looking for new on-ice officials and timekeepers. If you interested in joining us or would like more information, please contact: Referee in Chief, Chris Newell at Referees@chebuctominorhockey.
Further information can be found at the link below:
Officials for Exhibition Games If you are playing an exhibition game and would like officials, please contact Chris and he will arrange them for you. Please join our Referee and Timekeeper Team! Chris Newell RIC, CMHA