We are pleased to offer a complimentary opportunity for our returning U7 players and any new players to our Association who want to get on the ice before the season starts. We have 3 hours total for these groups on Saturday September 10 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM , Saturday September 17 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM , and Saturday September 24th 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM . Depending on numbers, players may be able to participate in more than one group.
In order to register, please complete the form linked belew for your player and submit it by Tuesday September 7th. Please ensure that each player that you are registering has their own google form completed.
Groups will be made once all Registration Forms have been submitted. Group lists will be posted on Wednesday Sept 8th.
Also please indicate if you would be available to assist on ice, with dressing room supervision, or as a safety rep / check in role during your players session.
Please ensure that each player is accompanied by an adult and arrives at least 20 minutes prior to their scheduled time .
U7 Registration Form
If you have any questions, please contact me at : development@chebuctominorhockey.com
Ja-red Glazebrook
VP Development
Chebucto Minor Hockey