Hello Chebucto Families,
I hope you are all having a Wonderful Thanksgiving and taking time to be with Family.
Competitive Teams have been named( U11-U15) and everyone must be anxious to get started. I wanted to reach out about a few things.
First, A huge thank you to the Tryout Committee and all the Volunteers who made this happen. It was a very busy week and many long days and nights to make it happen. They dedicated a lot of time and effort, so THANK YOU! These volunteers are very dedicated and CMHA thanks you for Volunteering your time.
Second, thank you to all the players who went through the tryout process, it was great seeing everyone back on the ice. I hope all players have a great season and are making new friends!
Third, here are a few key dates
1. Competitive- Manager/Coaches meeting Wednesday Oct 13- Coaches 630-730pm, Managers 7:30- 8:30 pm- Spryfield Board Room
2. Recreation- Manager/Coaches meetings Wednesday Oct 20- Coaches 6:30-7:30pm, Managers-7:30-8:30 pm. Spryfield Board Room
3. Jersey pick up Competitive- Sunday- Oct 10- 3-6pm Recreation- Sunday Oct 17th3-6 pm- THIS IS FOR MANAGERS OR COACHES ONLY FOR PICK UP, NOT FOR INDIVIDUAL PICK UP.
Pick up at the side door of the rink. Please connect with Susan Beamish for details and alternate arrangements. equipment@chebuctominorhockey.com
4. Competitive-CMHF season starts Nov 1, 2021, Recreation MMHL- TBA
5. Practice times will soon be out, once our Ice scheduler Katie Murphy gets things set up. Team managers, coaches will be notified ASAP. Please attend the meetings noted above to further details.
6. Recreation Pre-Season will begin next week- Details will be out from Tim Cranston- VP Recreation.
Lots of questions around Vaccine requirements and Spectators in the Lions Rink. Bryan Esbaugh, VP Risk management has been working tirelessly to get our association information in order. CMHA will be sending out information shortly, please be patient as we get team staff in place. Please follow all facility rules, where ever you may be attending sessions. At this time, we are still not allowing Spectators in Spryfield, until we have these key positions filled and noted.
All team rosters are being processed as fast we can, Alicia (Registrar)& Bryan – (VP Risk) are working hard at getting this done. Once Rosters are finalized and approved by HNS, teams will receive them. Please give them time to get this done.
A few more details:
We have partnered with Halifax Sports Photography-Scott Tanner for Association Team pictures. CMHA will be exclusive to them for Team pictures. We will also have an association picture day(s) set up; all teams must make arrangements to attend these dates for team photos. Dates are Nov 13 & 14- More info TBA

CMHA have also partnered with Headline Promotional Products. Please click Headline Promotions_Kelly OSullivan for details. This is for Chebucto Apparel, and fundraising. Kelly O’Sullivan will be at our manager meetings to answer any questions. https://headlinepromotions.ca/chebucto-hockey/
As you may recall, we announced a Registration Award in honor of John Brown-CMHA player who we lost recently. CMHA and The Brown Family awarded $1500.00 (divided)in Registration fees to 5 CMHA registered players this season. Congrats to the recipients. Another amazing item to note: The Brown Family will also award a full registration to a U18 Recreation player for this season – This is TBA.
Don’t forget to support Rink Ratz, you can visit them on facebook for hours:
Junior Coaching will begin soon, details will be coming out with directions on how to sign up…
Keepers club will also resume- details TBA
Please continue to visit our New Website for news and updates.

See you in the rink!