Hello Chebucto Families,
CMHA Board nominations are now closed. The following is the result:
President (2-year term)- Two nominees (requires a vote):
-Bryan Esbaugh
-Craig Myra
Executive Vice President- Craig Messervey- in 2nd Year
Vice President Competitive – Stephen Pelham
Vice President Recreation – VACANT
Vice President U7- VACANT
Vice President U9- VACANT
Vice President Development – Jar-ed Glazebrook
Vice President Fundraising- Alicia Payne
Vice President Administration- Heather Fraser- Acclaimed
Vice President Risk Management- Bryan Esbaugh – Possible Vacancy
Treasurer – Al Driscoll
Registrar- Alicia Payne
Ice Coordinator- Katie Murphy
Referee in chief (RIC)- Chris Newell
Equipment Coordinator- Susan Beamish
Tournament Coordinator- Peter Jollimore
Member at Large (2)- Cathy Delbridge
- VACANT- U9 representee
Division Coordinators: Non-Board Seats- Administrative only
U7- Vacant
U9- Vacant
U11- Comp-Vacant- Rec- Vacant
U13- Comp- Alex Allen, REC- Shawn Birt
U15- Comp- Alex Cranston- REC- Vacant
U18- Comp- Vacant, Rec- Vacant
Congratulations to all Board members returning and to our New VP Administration- Heather Fraser.
As you can see, there are many vacancies, we will put out an expression of interest after the AGM…. if you would like more info on the roles and responsibilities…please do not hesitate to reach out to Craig Messervey or myself. Our association is completely dependant on volunteers to run and without your help, these areas will not function properly. WE NEED YOU
You can also visit our website under the Policies tab for our CMHA constitution for all the position descriptions.
Policies | Chebucto Minor Hockey Association
Please mark your calendars:
CMHA AGM On May 17th- 7:00 pm in the Atlantic Room.
Please click this link AGM_AGENDA_2021-2022 for the AGM Agenda
One vote will take place for the President Role- this vote will be the last order of business at the AGM, and will be by secret ballot. You must be in attendance and registered( registration will take place by sign in) to vote.
Doors will be open at 6:45pm.
Many thanks to all the returning Board members and Coordinators. If you have any questions, please reach out executive.vp@chebuctominorhockey.com or president@chebuctominorhockey.com
See you at the AGM May 17th at 7:00 pm.
Sara & Craig
President & EVP