Association News


U18C Teams

U18C Players & Families,

 Here are the rosters for U18C Rec 2023-24 Season

Chebucto U18C 2023-24

 Please note: Both Coaches and I worked very hard to balance the teams. We considered skill level, personal and tried our best to accommodate players with certain needs.  We believe we have 2 great teams!

You’ll be hearing from your coaches in coming days.

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped in pre-season.

We’re looking forward to a fun season at U18C! 

Shawn Birt
VP Recreation ‘C'

Chebucto Minor Hockey

Oct 20, 2023

Post Tryout Message from VP Competitive

To all Chebucto families,

With the U18AA roster recently named, we have now concluded the 2023/24 evaluation process. While it is often a stressful time for parents and players, it is also very rewarding to see players working hard, setting and achieving goals, and more importantly, having fun. Arriving at the Sackville Arena at 7:45amon a Sunday for an exhibition game can be challenging, but when you see the smiling faces of players and goalies going on to the ice to play a game that they enjoy, it really puts things in perspective.
As VP Competitive, I am tasked with setting up the evaluation process and overseeing things as the process plays out. While this is my role, it would not be possible without the help of many, many volunteers, who I would like to take a moment to acknowledge.
While I set things up, it is my evaluation committee that does much of the heavy lifting, often behind the scenes where nobody actually sees the work being done. Without their unwavering support and dedication to seeing things through, setting things up, offering their support and giving it their all for close to 3 weeks, our evaluation process would not happen, period. These individuals are volunteers, often putting Chebucto ahead of their jobs, families, and other things to ensure the process is followed for all players, at all levels.
Our president, Craig Myra, while mandated to oversee the process, also puts in many, many hours to support us in too many ways to mention, again as a volunteer. Through his guidance, this process stays true to form, with the interests of the association and those players in it at the forefront.
Once set up and ready to go, as a volunteer organization, we are only as good as the volunteers in it. To all those people, parent or non-parent, who took the time to act as dressing room monitors, bench assistants, check-in personel, on-ice leads and assistants, evaluators, and any of the many other roles needed to make things work, your assistance is greatly appreciated and does not go unnoticed. A special shout out to Heather Fraser, our VP Admin, whose countless hours coordinating these volunteers makes what could be a very chaotic scene look very calm and collected. 
To the parents, getting your players to and from evaluation sessions, ensuring they have everything they need, and supporting them throughout this process is very important, and can be challenging. Supporting your players, and guiding them through a process like this will serve them well as they get older and begin to navigate the "real" world with more independence. 
Lastly, to the players, it is my hope that with the process now complete, you will settle into whatever team you are now a part of and be able to enjoy the game of hockey for what it really is. A chance to meet new people, make new friends, continue to make memories, and above all else, have fun. As someone who has been a part of this game for over 40 years, I have many great memories, and many great friendships that came as a result of the game of hockey. I still play, and continue to make friends and create memories every time I set foot on the ice or enter the rink. This has nothing to do with the level I play, and everything to do with what the game really is.
VP Competitive
VP Competitive
Chebucto Minor Hockey Association


Oct 17, 2023

U7/U9 and REC Coaches and Managers Meeting - Saturday, October 21st at 9am VIA ZOOM

Good morning,

We are having our  Coaches AND Managers Meeting for ALL U7/U9 and Recreation Teams for the 23-24 season.  Any Competitive teams coaches and managers that missed last weeks meeting are also required to attend.  The meeting with take place VIA ZOOM on Saturday, October 21st at 9am.

It is MANDATORY that all coaches and managers attend as there are some changes to protocols coming into this season.  If a coach is unable to attend, please send one of your assistant coaches.

Email Heather Fraser at if you would like the link for this meeting.  We will also email it out directly to coaches.




Oct 17, 2023

First U18AA Practice

Good evening,

Sorry for short notice but U18AA has a Practice tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5:00 p.m. at Lions rink.  

U18AA Coaching Staff 


Oct 17, 2023

Keepers Club is Back! Sundays 7 am Spryfield Lions Arena

Hey Chebucto Goalies,

Keepers Club is back this year. All sessions will be run and overseen by Upper Echelon Goaltending. 

Signups are currently open for Oct 22nd and 29th sessions. The times this year are 7-8 am Sunday mornings and hopefully won't interfer with any practices or games. 

All Sign-Ups must be done through Grey Jay payement portal here:


Go Chebucto!

VP Development

Bryan Esbaugh



Oct 16, 2023

SAVE THE DATE - U15 Major Action Coming to the Lion's Rink! Monday, November 13th at 1pm

Good morning,

We are excited to announce that once again this year we are hosting a U15 Major Game at the Lion's Rink!  The game will take place on Monday, November 13th at 1pm!!

The Beford Bandits are taking on the Gulls!  There are former Chebucto Alumni Players and Coaches on both teams!!

Admission for the game will be $7 for Adults and $5 for youth!  Children under 12 years of age are free!

We hope you see you there!


Oct 16, 2023