
Complaint Resolution Communication - Flow Chart


Complaint Resolution Communication

The 24-Hour Rule

When an issue occurs and a party has a resulting complaint to make or issue to be resolved, they are asked to wait 24 hours, then put the issue in writing and submit it to the appropriate party. Whether this issue is labelled as coaching error, team mate interference, parent conflict or any other of a number of possible situations, it is very important that all parties involved take the full 24 hours to remove or decrease the emotional element so that the actual issue can be resolved quickly, in a civilized manner, and to everyone's satisfaction.

Contact Lines of Communication

Parent/Player with the Issue

Team Manager/Coach

Minor Hockey Association President/Executive VP

Regional Director/League Executive

Conference Coordinator / Minor Council Chair

Hockey Nova Scotia Executive Director

Hockey Nova Scotia Executive

Hockey Canada and its Members want to end the culture of silence that exists in parts of hockey. To help ensure that we are a safe space for raising concerns, Hockey Canada has established a new, fully independent, and confidential reporting mechanism for all individuals regarding any incidents involving Hockey Canada sanctioned programming as outlined in the Action Plan. This reporting mechanism is known as the Independent Third Party (ITP).


The role of the ITP is to receive all hockey related maltreatment, sexual violence, harassment, abuse or discrimination complaints by anyone affiliated within Hockey Canada programs.


Complaints can be submitted by email to complaints@sportcomplaints.ca