
Association News


CMHA Coaching Survey -- Let us know your thoughts!

Hi Chebucto, 


As we begin to ramp up for the 2024-25 season we are sending out our coaching feedback survey to capture any thoughts you may have had during the 2023-24 season. 

Just a reminder that postive feedback is just as important as negative to encourage things we as an organization would like to see broadly. If there was something you or your player(s) particularily liked or thought was well done please let us know.

Link to Coaches Feedback Survey

These results are used to help frame our coaching selections and so are very important.


As always if you feel the need for more specific discussion, don't hesitate to reach out. 


Thanks in advance!

Craig Messervey

CMHA Executive Vice President 

Bryan Esbaugh

CMHA President


Jun 28, 2024